31. jan. 2014

Need new inspiration!

Hey guys!
I have been away from the blog world for quite a while, and literally all of the good, inspirational photo and fashion blogs I was following have partly stopped excisting... which is quite sad.
Now I need some amazing new blogs to follow and I forgot how to find some on my own SO please tell me about your favourite photo or fashion blogs in the comments!!(can both be Danish or English!)

To give you an insight on what kind of blogs I like and to give some inspiration in this post and not just ask for help, here are three of the blogs I follow:
I actually only just started following her blog, but I have been following her on instagram for a long time, because her photos are indescribably beautiful, I can't even begin to describe it. So inspiring.

A Danish blog with some fun and nice photos, I actually haven't read much of her blog yet but I like what I have seen 'till now.

So this is a danish fashion blog by a gal called Marie Myrhøj. I like her playful style(most of her looks are vintage and much more colourful than on that picture). Actually it's not the kind of fashion blog I usually read, I usually read some more down-to-earth scandinavian fashion blogs but the ones I was following dissapeared. And I love this girl's style. And she won a blogging award..

And if I get any new followers: Yes, all the older posts are in Danish! You are welcome to check them out though, it's mostly the photos that matter anyway. But the new ones are gonna be in English.
And if I still have any old Danish followers: Yes, I am gonna write in English from now on, becuase Idk man, I feel like the words flow a lot better for me in English. And I might hopefully get some English speaking readers out of it.

See you on the other side! xx

30. jan. 2014

Bad Kidz

Current fav song, can't stop listenin to it.

♡ Kate Moss ♡

Har i går tilføjet en ny Kate Moss læbestift til "samlingen" - hvilket man nok knap kan kalde det nu... Jeg har egentlig kun brugt den ene et par gange, men jeg synes bare de er fede. Jeg får dem helt sikkert brugt på et tidspunkt. Den nye jeg har købt er også mere neutral end den jeg havde i forvejen, den har farven 03 og minder lidt om den egentlige farve mine læber har, så den er ikke så overdrevet... Den jeg havde i forvejen har farven 22 og er meget mere intens.

28. jan. 2014

Tired of cold, dark days

Jeg tænker jeg vil blogge lidt igen. Bare som jeg har lyst. Jeg kommer måske også til at gøre lidt mere ud af layouttet.

Savner lidt foråret, eller sommeren... selvom jeg egentlig har det okay med at have varmt tøj på og sidde inde. Jeg har heller ikke ligefrem lyst til at det skal blive forår med alle de eksamener jeg skal til i år...
Men efter alle eksamenerne er det sommer. Så er jeg fri.